Einige Arbeiten auf Papier können über die Paradiso Images Gallery erworben werden:
Some works on paper can be purchased through the Paradiso Images Gallery:

Paradiso Images Gallery



Weitere Gemälde können über diese Online-Galerie erworben werden:
More paintings can be purchased through this online gallery:




My portfolio presents a colorful collection of paintings dedicated to nature and landscape, using an individual artistic language. My work addresses the changing landscapes, conveying my deep passion and reverence for the beauty of nature. The human as a shaper is the focus of critical examination. Adaptation, shaping, degradation, and sharing illuminate the progressive impact and increasing rarity of untouched landscapes. My intention is to highlight the infinite beauty and power of nature through landscape paintings while emphasizing the transience of the given and the obvious, prompting reflection on ongoing changes due to human influence.

Smooth textures, hard lines, and flowing forms merge into an expressive outline, repeatedly concentrating controlled painting during the construction of the painting and are strongly linked to emotions and thoughts. The harmonious interplay of contemporary themes, traditional media, and modern painting techniques creates artworks that are thematically current and innovative. Through the synthesis of different media and techniques into abstract minimalist landscape representation, I aim to provide an artistic experience that invites engagement with the interplay of shapes and colors, strengthening the personal connection to nature and establishing connections from the past to the present and into the future.